Psychotic disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by the presence of psychotic symptoms. Psychosis refers to a range of experiences that involve a disconnect from reality, including hallucinations (perceiving things that are not actually present) and delusions (holding false beliefs that are resistant to reasoning). These symptoms can significantly impact a person's thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and behavior, leading to a diminished ability to function in daily life.

Psychotic Disorder

Common psychotic disorders include:

Neurodiversity is a concept that emphasizes the acceptance of neurological differences as a natural part of human diversity. It suggests that conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others should be viewed as variations in brain function rather than simply as disorders that need to be "fixed." The intersection between psychotic disorders and neurodivergence can be complex.

When providing treatment for psychotic disorders with neurodivergent clients, the approach can differ significantly based on the individualized processing of medication, therapy, and somatic experiences within their unique cognitive frameworks. The Neurodivergent Collective adopts a universal approach for all individuals, incorporating empathy, respect, and an appreciation for their distinct lived experiences. Important considerations at this intersection include:

In summary, while psychotic disorders and neurodivergence are distinct concepts, both emphasize the importance of understanding and supporting individuals with diverse neurological experiences.


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