Suicidality refers to the presence of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to contemplating or attempting suicide. It encompasses a range of experiences, from fleeting thoughts of death to active planning and even attempts to end one's own life. Suicidality can result from a complex interplay of various factors, including mental health conditions, life circumstances, social support, genetic predisposition, and more.

Neurodiversity is a concept that emphasizes the natural variation in human neurological and cognitive functioning. It recognizes that differences in neurology, such as those seen in neurodivergent conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others, are part of the normal spectrum of human diversity rather than solely being viewed as disorders. Neurodiversity advocates for acceptance and inclusion of individuals with diverse neurological traits and challenges the idea that there is a "normal" or "typical" brain.

It's important to recognize that each person's experience is unique, and addressing the complex relationship between suicidality and neurodivergence requires a holistic and empathetic approach.


The intersection between suicidality and neurodivergence lies in how certain neurodivergent individuals may experience heightened vulnerabilities and unique challenges that can increase the risk of suicidality. Some factors contributing to this intersection include:

Addressing the intersection of suicidality and neurodivergence requires a comprehensive and tailored approach that takes into account the unique strengths and challenges of neurodivergent individuals. This includes: